Robert bitched about not only my driving but everyone else that was near me on the road, he bellyached about the weather, the price of gas, people that he worked with, it was a verbal assault while I mostly ignored him but chimed in now and then nodding or saying “I know, it’s terrible.”
As I pulled the car into a parking spot he started in about the car next to us , it was parked at an angle and said it was a piece of shit rust bucket.
“Stop!” I said loudly.
“What the fuck did I do?” Robert asked holding his hand to his chest in defense.
“You have screamed and yelled all the way here, it has been a non-stop bitch fest, I can’t take much more of this.”
“I never,, you just don’t appreciate my opinion about things.”
“It is not an opinion, it is a hostile verbal attack on everything, as usual.”
“Usual?” He asked.
“Yeah, it is getting old, this has been going on for the last two years but has been getting increasingly worse week by week.”
“Fuck you too.” Robert said.
“It’s Friday night and I am going into the club, don’t come in unless you plan on being nice and having fun, if you can’t do that, grab a cab and go back home.” I said as I closed the car door and headed across the street to the club.
I walked over to the bar and waited for the bartender to come over, he was pouring drinks and had no shirt on, he had a bar towel tucked into the back of his belt and a black leather arm band on each of his arms.
“Hey, I’d like a beer, no wait, I’ve had a rough evening and need to take the edge off faster than beer, Long Island Iced Tea please.”
“Sure thing.” He said as he turned his back and started mixing my drink.
“Who is the DJ tonight?” I asked him over the thump of the music.
“Malachi, he just started this week, fucker can play the tunes and packs the floor with dancers.” The bartender said as he placed my drink in front of me.
I paid, left him a good tip and walked toward the dance floor, the room was dark except for the flashing lights bouncing off of the dancers, the fog machine belched out a blast of haze across the dance floor temporarily hiding the dancers from view. I watched the men dance and looked toward the door; either Robert must have taken a taxi home or was still in the car trying to figure out what he had done wrong.
I was sitting close to the DJ booth which was off to the side of the dance floor and was raised a bit allowing him a view of the crowd. DJ Malachi was a sexy looking guy in his mid twenties, lean and not wearing a shirt but was intent of doing his job, he would occasionally jump onto the mic and talk to the dancers, greeting them of telling them how sexy they looked as he pointed right at them.
I went to the bar and got my second drink of the night, as I returned I sat my drink on the drink rail against the wall and leaned over to the DJ to let him know how great the music sounded.
“Hi, the, uhmm, the music..” I shot him thumbs up, he looked at me and smiled before going right back to spinning the tunes.
Oh fuck, I must have looked like a fool, I stuttered out nothing that made me look like anything but an inbred idiot. I sipped my drink and took a note from next to his tip jar, I wrote the name of a song I wanted to hear and my name on the slip and passed it to him and put a five dollar tip into his jar. He looked over and smiled again and thanked me with a nod.
Malachi jumped onto the mic and announced the special request from Otter and played the song that I requested, he looked at me and mouthed the word Otter?
I nodded my head yes, Otter.
He smiled at me and went back to the music, I felt a tiny connection with this very hot man, his chest was incredible, I wanted so badly to twist his nipples making them stiffen, I was actually getting a boner thinking about Malachi, I’ve not had much sex with Robert lately so a slight breeze gave me wood.
Malachi realized that I was staring at him and pointed to the dance floor, I sat my drink on the rail and moved onto the dance floor and danced alone but near a few other guys but I was lusting after Malachi. One guy turned from the group of four or five guys and danced with me, he moved well and placed his hands onto my hips as he got closer.
Robert was not in my mind, I had no guilt he was all but out the door of my life, I was going to have fun tonight no matter how badly the evening started.
“My name is Brad.” The guys said.
“Yeah, Otter.”
He grinned and I knew that he was trying to think of a pun to go with my name, and sure enough he leaned over to my ear.
“You Otter come home with me.”
I smiled having only heard that about a million times, I am blonde and have a great shape, guys stare at me all the time saying that I am the hottest guy in the club, store, gym or wherever I happen to be. I know I am good looking but I don’t let that go to my head, there are more important things in life other than being pretty, it does get me a few extra perks now and then though.
My eyes kept going back to DJ Malachi, he was so fucking sexy and very confident in his job, he looked up and right into my face, I looked away real fast but it was evident that I was staring at him over the shoulder of the guy I was dancing with.
I danced a while longer with Brad, he was nice enough but I had my sights on Malachi, I sipped on my drink and after a minute or so Malachi walked out of the Dj booth and headed to the restroom while a long song played. Without thinking I sat my drink on the rail and followed him to the men’s room, as I walked in, I saw Malachi stepping up to the six foot long open urinal and unbutton his jeans and flop his fat monster cock out of his pants.
My cock is not small but nowhere as big as his is, I moved in close and took out my cock and started pissing. Malachi looked over and was directly checking out my cock.
“Nice.” Malachi said as he aimed his pee stream into mine.
“Your cock is huge.” I stammered.
“Touch it.” He said in a tone that was more of an order than a request.
I took his cock in my hand, he let go and I held his cock while he finished pissing, my stream stopped as I had better things to concentrate on. He shot the last few spurts of piss into the urinal and stood there.
“Well shake it and tuck it away before my song finishes without me.” Malachi said as he looked into my face.
I ran my fingertips along his shaft while I shook it, my heart pounded; all I could think about was his thick warm cock and how badly I wanted it in my mouth. I tucked his oversized cock into his jeans and buttoned his top button, he reached under my tee shirt pulling it over my head and tucked it into his back pocket before finishing with a kiss to the now erect nub, he turned and walked out the door and back to his booth.
I put my own cock away and walked back to my drink realizing that my fingers had a few drops of his piss on them, instinctively my fingers went to my lips, I licked his piss from them. I am not into water sports but he was so hot I could not wipe his fluids onto my jeans; I wanted to be close to him again.
Malachi looked at me and winked, I felt flustered and shy, but my heart, no my ass needed Malachi. The combination of his incredible looks and working in gay clubs had me wondering just how many guys he had been with. I was a like a moth to his flame. The night went on; I drank two more drinks and was feeling pretty loose. Malachi looked at me and twisted one of his nipples; he was clearly coming on to me or at least teasing me.
At closing time I walked over to the DJ booth and waited for him to look up.
“I need my shirt; you kept it in the bathroom.” I said in a shy tone.
Malachi looked at me and smiled, he took my shirt from the chair behind him, I thought he was handing it to me but he slipped the shirt over his own head and was now wearing it. I was not sure what to do, I turned to leave and I heard my name.
“Otter.” Malachi called out as he tossed me his tee shirt.
I slipped his tee shirt on and headed to the door, there was no way I would be going home with him tonight.
“Goodnight Otter.” DJ Malachi said over the mic.
I waved and smiled at him just before rounding the corner to the front door.
I got outside, crossed the street to realize that Robert had taken my car and left, Fuck, now what. I thought. I walked back inside the club and took out my phone to call a cab when Malachi put his hand on my shoulder from the back.
“Need a ride home?” he asked.
“I’ll get a cab or Uber or something.”
“Nonsense, I have a couple of more things to do and I will give you a lift, sit tight.”
I watched as he walked away and within a few minutes he came back and put his hand on my lower back.
“Ready Otter?”
We walked out to his blue SUV in the parking lot, I got in and he pulled out onto the street.
“Where to, My place or yours?” He said laughing.
I was not sure if he was kidding or not, I gave him directions to my apartment.
“This is really nice of you.” I said.
“Well, you helped me out earlier.”
I blushed, and sat without saying anything.
“You are a little shy aren’t you?” He asked.
I could only smile in the darkness, his hand slipped over to my thigh.
“Relax, don’t be so serious, do you have a boyfriend?”
“Yeah, well, it is pretty much over, he has been a dick for a long time and I just don’t need that anymore.” I said.
Malachi pulled up at my building, and I got out, thanked him for the ride.
“I am working tomorrow night if you want to come back.”
“I may just do that, I had a good time tonight, thanks again for the ride.” I said as I closed the door and walked up to my door. I walked in and there Robert was sitting there mad as hell and then he saw the shirt I was wearing.
“What the fuck it that? That’s not your shirt, are you sleeping around on me?” Robert yelled.
“No, there was a mix up with tee shirts, half the guys on the dance floor had their shirts off and someone took mine, this is what I was left with, I did not sleep with anyone.”
Robert continued to yell at me for leaving him at the parking lot.
“I gave you the option to come in and be civil but you are not capable of that as I see.”
“Fuck you.” Robert yelled.
“I’m done with you, tomorrow take your things and move to your sister’s house, this was my place when you moved in and you can take anything you bought since moving in with you.”
I went to the guest room as I knew he would come and try to make up, I was done making up with him. The next day, I went to breakfast after a shower and came back to Robert moving his things out, I gave him a hand to help keep the peace with him and anything that he wanted, I just told him to take it.
The apartment was quiet now and I liked not just being alone but being done with Robert, he used to be a really good guy but his attitude decayed over the last couple of years. I turned on some music while I cleaned up a few things that Robert had pulled out and picked up Malachi’s tee shirt. I got a boner thinking about this hot as fuck DJ and his hog of a cock, I took my dick out and rubbed it as I leaned back on the bed, I held his tee up to my face and sniffed his scent from the soft fabric. I was getting close to cumming and held his shirt near my cock, I whispered “Malachi” as the cum blasted out of my cock onto the front of his shirt and I used it to clean the cum off of my cock and hand before tossing it into the hamper.
I had every intention of going back to the club and seeing Malachi again tonight, he was eating into my mind and he seemed interested in me, I really wanted to grab hold of his cock again, this time I want it in my ass, if I can take it that is.
I started getting ready two hours before I planned on being there, I was just so nervous and anxious at the same time, I put on clothes and changed them several times, had a quick bite for dinner and headed to the club. My heart pounded as I pulled into the parking lot and walked across the street and inside to the bar, I ordered a beer and looked around, I was early and the place was almost empty. There was music playing from a recorded sound system.
“No DJ tonight?” I asked the bartender.
He looked up and was about to speak when I felt a hand on my lower back.
“I’m right here Otter, it’s great to see you again.” Malachi said.
I turned and saw him, he was wearing a black tee shirt with the sleeves cut off and jeans, he had a huge smile on his face and let his hand linger on my back.
“Great to see you too.” I smiled, my heart thumping with excitement.
“Come over to the DJ booth and talk to me while I set up.” He said.
“You want a beer?” I asked.
“No, I never drink while I am working but if you ask the bartender he will fix me up with a pitcher of Iced water, I’d appreciate it.”
“Sure thing, head over and I will bring the water and be over in a sec.”
I carried the drinks over to the booth, Malachi was working on getting things set the way he wanted and plugged in the digital music storage hard drives that he brought with him.
I stood there holding the pitcher of water, a glass and my beer, he looked up at me and smiled, leaning in he took the water and glass from me setting them on the counter away from the equipment.
“Thanks for the water, grab yourself a chair and you can hang in the booth with me if you want.” He said.
I walked over to a nearby table and carried a chair back setting it in the raised DJ booth; I sat and watched him intently working as he chattered away about music and his job. His handsome face was a pleasure to watch but his dark lips were captivating, my eyes wandered across his skin, what I could see of it.
He put his hand onto my thigh while he was talking causing my heart to pound furiously.
“I’ve got to hit the head and pee while I have a few minutes, come on.” Malachi said with a grin.
I got up and followed him, I was barely through the men’s room door when Malachi pulled me in close and kissed me and after a millisecond, his tongue was in my mouth, his right hand went to my crotch fumbling around while he opened my fly.
“I want your load before I start playing; it makes me horny tasting a guy’s jizz in my throat.”
He went to his knees before I had time to reply pulling my pants and underwear to my ankles, my cock bounced out to meet his mouth as he swallowed it before it was fully hard. I put my hand to the back of his head, pulling it to my crotch.
Malachi pulled my ass cheeks apart and shoved a finger into my ass finger fucking me while sucking my fully stiff cock deep into his throat. He went after my cock like a wild man, with the finger action burning my asshole and him sucking my cock so intently, it only took moments before I gave him what he asked for. Right then a guy walked into the men’s room and over to the urinal to pee but kept looking over watching me get my rocks off into the mouth of this hot and sexy DJ, I climaxed loudly, unconcerned about the noise, letting out a moan as my seed spilled into his mouth, he pulled off and let the final pulse coat his face. He stood up looking into my eyes and rubbed my cum into the skin of his face, the guy that was peeing was still watching without pretense.
I walked to the urinal and started a stream with Malachi stepped between me and the guy that was getting an eye full. Mal whipped his hog of a cock out of his pants and I almost went weak in my knees, he took my hand to his cock to once again let me hold and aim his pisser, it was a real handful.
The guy stood there with his cock still in his hand while I shook the last few drops of piss out of Malachi’s cock slit, I went to my knees and sucked his cock into my mouth knowing I would have problems getting it all into my throat. He let me suck for a couple of minutes before tucking his hard shaft back into his jeans.
“I have a plan for that later.”
I zipped up and glanced at the guy that had been watching and realized he was jacking off and was tilting his head back, we stood there and watched as the guy blew his load all over the men’s room floor, you could hear the splat noises as each of rope of his cum shot out and landed on the bare cement.
Back in the DJ booth it was time for Malachi to start his five hour set Malachi had a beginning tune that he said he always played and then started with one hot song after another.
Half way through the night he put on the song “I want your sex” he stood up and danced in front of me pulling his shirt over his head tossing it onto a rear shelf. He mouthed the words “I want your sex” while he massaged my jeans covered crotch, he unzipped his jeans and pushed my hand into his pants rubbing my hand all over his cock and balls.
“Fuck me.” Malachi said as he danced on front of me.
“What?” I stammered.
“F U C K M E.” he spelled out.
He picked up his backpack and pulled a condom and some lube out tossing them both to me, what the fuck, I thought, he really means it, here and now.
The DJ booth was elevated enough that no one could really see inside and if the DJ was belly to the counter they could only see his chest and head. Malachi slid his pants to the floor and stepped out of them and his tennis shoes at one time, he was not standing here completely naked, his big cock bouncing around as he moved.
“Let me put on a long play song while you get things ready.”
I dropped my jeans and started stroking my cock to get it fully hard; Malachi took the condom and rolled it onto my cock that was jutting straight up in the air.
“We really gonna fuck right here?” I asked.
“Yeah Otter, fuck me hard, I want your hot cock in my ass.”
I took the lube and squirted some into my hand and leaned him over rubbing my hand into his ass crack and pushed some into his asshole.
I ground my cock along his crack a few times before pushing it into this hot fucker, he moaned loud enough to hear it on the dance floor. I was pushing my cock into his tight ass so hard the booth was shaking a little; he leaned over the work counter while I fucked him hard, this was the first guy I had been within months, Robert and I had not had sex in quite some time. I grabbed Malachi’s hips and pushed in deeper and faster, I was panting and moaning as I was getting closer and closer to cumming. I could see the dancers out on the dance floor but none seemed to notice that I had this hot DJ bent over and was fucking him a few feet from them.
The current song was ending and Malachi flicked as a few keys on his laptop and the next one started without me slowing my thrusts at all.
“Fuck me hard Otter, give it to me rough.” Malachi panted.
I reached up grabbing a handful of his dark hair, pulling him back roughly while I fucked him hard.
“I’m cumming, take it bitch,, you want my load in your ass baby?” I said while cum jetted from my cock.
I rode it out till I had spent all of my juice and pulled out of his ass, Malachi turned and took hold of my still stiff cock pulling the now filled condom off of it, his cock was full and angry looking, like it could take on an army of gay men sucking and fucking in a massive orgy.
“My turn.” He said as he shook his thick erection at me.
“Fuck, are you kidding me?”
“What, you think it is too big?”
“I am not sure if I can take it, but I’m willing to give it a try but I would rather go to your bedroom or mine later to try it.” I replied.
“You got it, I’ve had your load in both ends tonight already, I can’t wait to return the favor.”
He danced as he changed the songs and his stiff cock slowly went down but his cock was still massive swinging as he moved. I dressed again as I was less comfortable being naked in the club than Malachi seemed.
The crowd of dancers loved his music and found it hard to leave the dance floor to cool off and grab a drink, I left the booth for a fresh beer while Malachi chugged the iced water.
I rejoined him in the DJ booth when I returned, I sat on the chair and watched this guy do his job, his naked ass flexed and tightened as he moved to the tunes, his body was incredible, and his shoulders broad and tapered down to a narrow waist that made his cock look even larger.
“I’ve gotta pee, would you tap this button just as this song ends? I will be right back.”
“But who will hold your cock if I am not in there?”
“Funny guy, it is large, but I can handle it myself.” Malachi said while he slipped his jeans and shoes back on.
“I’ll bet you can.” I said making a motion with my right hand as if I were jacking off.
“No, it’s like this.” Malachi did the same thing only used both hands in front of his crotch.
He left to pee while I was trusted to push a button for him in his absence, just about the time I saw him coming from the hallway I pushed the button and started the new song without interruption.
“I’m so proud of you, just like a junior DJ.” Malachi said jokingly.
He leaned over and kissed my lips softly but I pulled hi s head in tight and shoved my tongue into his mouth, my heart was racing as it had been since I walked in the door tonight, Malachi dove his tongue alongside mine and the kiss turned to a very passionate one.
The music rolled out all night long, many guys tipped Malachi and asked for requests, they seemed to flock in to hear the best mixes of music that anyone in town played, I liked the music but was more interested in the DJ himself. After the club shut down for the night we went to grab a snack at a 24 hour restaurant, I was doing my best to overcome my shyness and be more outgoing speaking to him without stammering so much.
“Want to head to my house and hang out some?”
“Yeah, I really do.” I replied with a slight nervousness in my voice.
“Well, let’s go then, follow me out of the parking lot, I won’t lose you but let me put my phone number into your phone just in case.”
He added his information into my phone including snapping his picture for the profile and within minutes, we were pulling up at his apartment, inside there was very little furniture as he had just moved into town and had not purchased much yet.
“The only thing I have to sit on is the bed, I really need to get off my ass and shop for furniture.” Malachi said as I followed him down the hall to his bedroom. Inside he kicked off his shoes and peeled off his tee shirt tossing it onto the floor, his hands went under my tee shirt and his fingers caressing my chest, I wasted no time in pulling my shirt off and tossing it onto the floor with his.
The next few moments were a blur, and before I knew it we were both naked and he was applying lube to my ass in preparation for pushing his Volkswagen sized cock into my ass, I was starting to shake with anticipation and fear.
“This will take some stretching before I can try to fuck your ass, get on your knees on the bed with your shoulders down on the sheet.”
He spread my knees apart and slid a well lubed finger into my ass, it felt great as he massaged it around and then the second finger went in, it felt amazing, I moaned showing my appreciation his left hand tugged on my loose balls squeezing the sac with my balls visible on the other side of his fist. He worked it a while and the third finger went into my ass, he added more lube and pushed them in as far as he could inside me and pulled them all the way out before plunging them back in, this was taking my breath away but I was in for a rude awakening.
I was unsure but it felt like he pushed in his forth finger and was stretching my ass as far as I thought it could possibly go.
“Okay, here we go, are you ready?”
“Yeah, as ready as I will be, go easy.” I said softly hoping for the best.
Malachi moved in behind me taking the lube and adding more to my ass and his hog, I felt the pressure of his cockhead against my asshole, he pushed until it was in about two inches, I felt like I was at the maximum that I could take.
“Go slow and bounce it in and out of me a bit.”
He did as I asked and each time he would push, he would go just a tiny bit farther into my ass, he was now about three or four inches in me and the girth was splitting me open, I was panting and moaning loudly.
“Fuck, you feel like your fist is in there.” I said.
“Nah, but it gets thicker on the next push, you okay?”
“Yeah.” I said reluctantly.
He pushed a bit harder and it took my breath away, I felt sick to my stomach and held my hand back for him to pause for a minute, once the feeling passed I motioned for him to go again.
Malachi gave an even pressure until he was all inside me, he pushed a bit harder grinding his crotch against my ass, the action started slowly and gradually picked up speed until he was fucking me at a good speed, and my ass was on fire and felt like I had three cocks inside me. The DJ slapped one of my ass cheeks hard, I am sure it left a red hand print on my pale ass but the pain was fully from this man’s huge cock ramming my hole.
He started losing his rhythm and started making more noise; I could tell he was getting close to jizzing in my hole. He reached forward and put his forearm around my neck and pulled me back showing me that he was not only large but in charge, I choked some as he started shooting his load into my ass, his body convulsed and jerked as he yelled “Fuck baby, take my fat cock.”
As soon as he had finished cumming, he pulled out and it took my gaping ass a while to relax again after that assault. I lay there feeling dazed but very happy to have taken his huge cock fully, I had had my doubts for a while and I think he did too.
I flipped over onto my back and Malachi took my limp cock into his mouth and in a moment it was fully hard, He sucked my cock and pulled my legs apart again but this time he just pulled at my ball sac and left my stretched out ass alone. Malachi reached up and took hold of my left nipple with his fingertips and tweaked on it while I filled his mouth with my cum, he gulped it as fast as he could as not to lose any of my juice.
I spent the night with him and many more after that, I could not take his cock every time we had sex but I sure gave it a go at least once a week. Malachi is my sweet DJ and I call his cock “double dick” because it is twice the size of most large cocks, he just smiles when I say that, mostly because he knows I can take it “all in”.
omg you don't disappoint. i felt like i was there with them and shot my load reading it.
ReplyDeletewhats the chance of having a part 2 to that one ?
Love it man. Love your stories keep them coming.
ReplyDeleteHot story, double dick wow, twice the size you.....,xxx E
ReplyDeleteI haven't finished reading it yet but it was super hot. I'd suck both of them and swallow all the ample proof.
ReplyDeleteI’d love to find a hot DJ and let me take charge of me like that